Date: 11/19/2018
By $MrKrabzWalking
I was in some cobblestone tower with a scar I go outside and it’s night time there’s 4 people left including me. I look down a hill and there’s a Minecraft cow the cow sees me and starts walking around. I get closer and it starts running towards me. I shoot it just for fun cuz y not and the mf stands up and is all of a sudden holding a gun and we start fighting. It was some kind of trap. The other 2 in the game start shooting at each other and I could kill one of them but I wanna kill this cow. I chase it but it gets back on all fours and ran I chased it around a corner than it stood up. I couldn’t move and in front of me it wrote “game over 4 way tie” and I got pissed. I haven’t played either of these games in legit months