Date: 1/22/2020
By danielcordero
I dreamt last night that I was at this place, sort of like a trap house but also like the back dressing room of some sort of soccer place or club. While there I heard Jas was there! And I think we saw each other it not approached each other at all! Anyways family told her where I had gone to and she came to where I was, some sort of face cleaning station, and they told her not to but she did. She walked towards me and I look at her! Our eyes locked and we looked at each other for a good minute the. We gave in and ran into each other for an embrace! I hugged her so tight we both started crying! Then we just looked at each other happy to be together again. We kissed briefly , then suddenly Mieka walks in (my current boo) and she just Hugs me and and kisses me too. It was scary seeing that I either had to move on or hold on to the past! It was scary to see that! I feel like i know what I want but I’m choosing to stay strong rn