Dramatic runaway after getting a haircut

Date: 12/14/2019

By ItsABlackCat

So irl I have this really, REALLY long blond hair that I like. It’s ‘unstyled’ so all I have to do is brush it, I don’t use hairspray or gel or anything, and at the same time it’s easy to style it if I want: I can make it into pretty much any braid, ponytail, or bun that exists and also play around with different styles whenever I feel like it. It’s pretty thin too so the length makes up for lack of volume. Anyways in the dream I was at my old middle school with my family, and my cousins and aunts and uncles, they were convincing me to cut my hair a little. I agreed because they were all pressuring me but I made sure they knew I only wanted a little bit off the ends. They take me to this lady, she’s super eccentric, she takes me under this gazebo thing and starts snipping away before I can even say a word. She says ‘first things first let’s get rid of all this hair!’ and I don’t have time to protest before I feel like all of my hair, up to the base of my head cut off. I feel super upset but at this point I’ve gotta let her keep going because I at least want to look good somehow even if like all my hair was gone. My fam is watching from outside the gazebo grinning like idiots and I get mad at them because this isn’t what I wanted at all. Finally she finishes and gives me a mirror and I hate it. I have these stupid bangs which go in a straight line across my forehead, and the rest of my hair falls in a weird twist down to my shoulders, and I also have an undercut which starts to make my head feel really cold. I get really upset and pissed but I’m still polite when I tell her I don’t want bangs. She’s like ‘of course darling’ and starts snipping again and I just sigh. When she finishes for the second time it’s... better but not good. The bangs are gone and it kind of looks like my old haircut, except my hair is about a foot and a half shorter (it goes down to like my ribs) and half of my head is shaved. She tells me I need to flip it so I flip the hair over to the shaved side and it looks like I have a weird part but that’s all, besides the undercut in the back. My hair feels extremely thin which is uncomfortable. My family laughs and is like ‘alright let’s go, hope you’re comfortable riding in the back with your cousins haha’ and I know they’re going to harass me so I just start running, figuring I’ll get home on my own. I’m careful to take crosswalks and stuff but I’m still running as fast as I can figuring they’d catch up to me when I got home, they had traffic I didn’t. There’s a few close calls with some cars but I’m good. But then something weird happens, I’d say I know my way around the neighborhood well enough but I must take a wrong turn because I find myself in a little area I don’t know. I check google maps on my phone to look for my parents car and try to follow that. I end up running through what seems to be a Spanish city, everyone’s speaking Spanish and the buildings seem like older Spanish buildings, and there’s stalls everywhere to buy goods. I slide through open windows and dash through halls, apologizing to the bewildered people. Halfway through I remember the Spanish word for sorry and start saying that instead, thinking at least Spanish II wasn’t a total waste of a class. Even the weather and stuff seems to change and the roads are all of a sudden dusty, surrounded by desert land, the sky cloudless with a hot beaming sun that makes even me sweat despite the fact that I’m wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I flip my hair as I run because it’s so thin I can’t really make it stay in any one place and it’s annoying. I end up in a sandstone building with a Santa clause inside, it’s a bunch of kids waiting to see him. I run to the back hallway trying to find a way out through the back but have no luck. On my way back to the front I run into Santa and he gives me a big hug, then Mrs. Clause (who is for some reason a bunny) gives me a hug too. I don’t want to tell them I’m actually just a kid breaking and entering in an attempt to run home so I just let them, then dash. Eventually I find myself at a bunch of stalls right by a river. On the other side of the river a tall building blocks anyone from just jumping across. The stalls are selling cool stuff like fresh fruit and soft silks but I don’t have time, I just jump right into the river. Then the dream changes a bit and war gets involved; my brother is a war captain fighting a general who’s land I happen to be trespassing on. I’m still just trying to get home so I swim across the raging river by holding on to the rocky sandstone then pushing off to the other side which is like seven feet away at most. Then I climb up and I’m in the same sort of setting but all of the buildings seem to be more military themed: the tall one that blocked my way earlier is some sort of barracks with a bunch of beat-up looking outlaws and soldiers that are just doing their thing, another one has a guy selling some sketchy looking items like guns that probably aren’t legal and weird crystal things, and ahead there’s a bigger river that has a bunch of warships lined up. I check google maps again and see that my neighborhood is across the river. I get onto one of the boats and take charge and the captains seem so freaked out of this weird, bossy 10-y/o-looking-girl with a bad haircut that they just leave and let me sail it. I set it full speed towards the other side and halfway there I see my brother’s warship, it’s more modern and slower. I also see the general dude who’s fighting my brother in another ship. I set my ship full speed at his and crash into it, then I pull the general guy from the wreckage, set him (alive but confused) onto my ship, and set it back towards the shore. Then I hop onto my brother’s ship and ask him to take me home without telling mom I needed his help because then I’d get lectured. Then the dream ended.