Date: 11/23/2020
By Bex_CM
I was at DQ and then woke up in a hospital. I asked why I was there and they said it because I was using heroine. The guy I came with in kept getting upset that they kept giving him Narcan. I remember he created some diversion so I could escape. It was sweet but I stayed. There were mental patients there too. The whole lobby was overrun and there were tired nurses at the desks. Turner was there and being his usual terror. There was another kid who would run through the halls "bulldozing" people and knocking them over. There was a supportive daughter and her mom who I had given my contact info before they were discharged. I remember leaving to say bye and one of the nurses snuck me back in. They removed someone else's blood diffusion to plug into me to help me get better, faster. They figured he didn't need it anymore or that he wouldn't last long enough to need more. Idk. At the DQ, I was trying to order their drink that had live hornets on it. It was honeydew flavored. But they had swapped the signs while I was trying to explain this and just thought I was crazy. So, I ordered something knew from the sign instead. Somewhere in this dream were monsters. We were trying to leave by car and behind us, people were being engulfed in flames. It was terrifying. I tried to Google lore and everything online was wiped clean on lore and myths. Lore podcast was unavailable. Dragons were real. But... they weren't. When I found out they were robots, somehow they began to trust me as I just sat there and pet one of the tiny ones with synthetic scales. It kept hopping in my lap.