Date: 6/14/2020
By UpstreamDreams
The dragons were both half dragons and one was the God of rivers, but I dont remember what the other one was. They were playing some harmless prank on the God of the night and moon when he spotted them. When he grabbed one of them, some other unseen god started to put some sort of curse on them, but it was altered a bit when the river boy tried to get his friend free. The gist of the curse was supposed to be that the two were supposed to share their misery, so if something happened to one rhe other could feel it. But since the river dragon cut in, it was split differently. River dragon could feel what his friend felt, his friend felt what the God of night felt, and the God of night felt what river boy felt. They had some sort of fight when the god of night tried to blame the mess on the river boy and he ended up splitting from the group. He started doing his river god thing while the other two kept trying to figure out how to stop the curse when the river dragon was attacked by another god of water that was more hostile. And since the group had traveled around a bit by that point together they were all feeling a bit gay for each other and so they went to help him. I didn't get to see what happened since I woke up after that :(
AI generated interpretation The dream appears to be a manifestation of the dreamer’s inner self which may be contradictory or complex in nature. Dragons in dreams are often symbols of power, strength, and mythical creatures that may represent the dreamer’s desires or fears. The fact that the dragons in the dream are gay suggests that the dreamer may be struggling with their own sexual identity or gender identity. The curse in the dream may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of losing control of their emotions or facing emotional pain. The split of the curse may represent the dreamer’s attempt to balance their emotional needs and desires with the needs and desires of those around them. The fight among the dragons may represent the dreamer’s internal conflict and struggle to find balance between their own needs and the needs of those around them. The river boy symbolizes the side of the dreamer that is sensitive and empathetic, while the god of night may represent the dreamer’s darker side, or the part of the dreamer that is stubborn or resistant to change. The fact that the dragons ultimately come together and feel gay for each other may represent the dreamer’s acceptance of their own sexual or gender identity, or the dreamer’s ability to find unity and harmony within themselves.