Good cop for a change

Date: 4/19/2022

By lauriemae

I was riding my scooter (like a small motorcycle) in the city. I started to have a bad feeling and I just ran into my boyfriend, so I told him to wait with me while I stopped to set my GPS. Then some guy walked up, pointed a gun and said to give up the bike. Last thing I wanted was to be stuck without a ride in this part of town and the guy looked like a druggie, so I was able to grab the gun and we fought over it for a second and as I got it aimed at him, I fired, he said I shot him in the neck, but he was still fighting for it, so I shot him again, still didn't seem to hurt him, but I did get control of the gun. Then a couple of his friends came, so me and my boyfriend tried to run, they kind of cornered me where there was a bunch of people partying (more people they knew) and were trying to push me down into some cavern like place, there were more people partying down there and I knew if I went down there, I wouldn't come back, I was able to push 1 or 2 of them down and escape. Next thing I know I'm with the cops and this lady cop had me and my boyfriend get into her cop car to drive that area and try to find the guy. After driving around a bit, I recognized one guy, not the guy that tried to rob me, but the one that was with him right after. So the lady cop got out to arrest him. As she was arresting him, another guy came out of the crowd and punched her and knocked her down. So me and my boyfriend locked the doors. I tried to call 911, but I couldn't get my phone to dial it correctly. (This is a common theme in my dreams, can't get my phone to call or set GPS, no matter how hard I try) so I told my boyfriend to call 911 from his phone. Then he hopped into the driver's seat of the cop car and I told him to go, he went to the cop to get her into the car, but she said she was OK to drive. Next thing I know it's just me and the cop in her office. She had a friend and some family member with her. She had some police report from when I had been busted for weed. She asked if this should be in the report, I said no, so she ripped it up. Then pulled out some weed to smoke. I mentioned how mine was taken when I had gotten that previous report, so she said her friend was on her way back to bring her some and she would give me some. Her friend showed up about then and she gave me a little of her weed. I had lost my hoodie, so we were going through some clothes they had there (seemed like brand new stuff) and gave me a few shirts and hoodies. Then I asked about my scooter and she said it was impound, but the mechanic was just finishing fixing it up. So we chatted and just hung out for a bit while I waited, when it was ready, I went to a little window just outside her office to claim my bike. The lady was asking about a business card that I needed to claim my bike, but I only had the impound lady's card, so I went back to the cop and she gave me her phone number and personal info. At some point I know we kissed (I'm female too) and we really liked each other, so we wanted to keep in contact. When I went back to the impound lady. I didn't want her to see I had the cops personal info and gave her the business card I had gotten of hers. When she put in some number, she said the computer system was being changed and I wasn't able to get my bike until 6am, it was on about 11pm at this point. So I looked at the paper the cop gave me and there was a number there to give the impound lady, that worked, so she had me come around. They asked me a couple of questions about my bike to make sure it was mine and let me go. Then I go right outside of the impound window, but still in the building when some guy stopped me and was admiring my bike. But since somebody already tried to take it, I was paranoid. The guy said they had called him to fix my brakes before they gave it back, and let me go. I got my GPS set for home and headed off. I had remembered seeing signs that there was work being done on the highway and the GPS was trying to take me that way, but I know the freeway would be faster, but I didn't know how to get to it. Then I saw the cop lady again, so she stopped to talk to me and had me follow her until she had to turn off, then told me to just keep following the road (named republican) and that would take me to the freeway. I also remember, at some point, trying to text my mom to let her know what was going on. That's all I remember, I know I woke up before I got home though.