Ugh. much hated stuff.

Date: 6/3/2017

By madnewman13😼

I dreamt that there was this family type thing going on at school. I'm graduated, so this seemed sort of weird. I was all dressed up nice and sat in a group of girls. I noticed that sone of my my adult teeth were loose. I went to the back of the cafeteria away from everyone else. They were about to fall out! I told my friend and she felt bad for me. I just tried to ignore them. Then my old home room teacher Mrs. Nader called me over to a table near where I was sitting. She told me that I had not turned in an assignment and that she wanted me to do it. Then she got into a whole useless conversation about it. I told her I was done with school but she didn't respond. "Well! I'd better not do it at all!" I thought.