Michael New emerald diamond bracelet

Date: 7/10/2018

By cathywithac

Gab and Micheal were walking and they were talking about Micheal buying her a big emerald and diamond bracelet when I walked up and started talking to them. He was trying to convince Gabriella that he would buy it for her and she was saying, no Michael it’s too much and it’s very beautiful but don’t spend a lot of money etc. I was worried that they store was overcharging them. They finally agreed to keep shopping so we all went in a different store and gab found 2 things she liked more and by this time Micheal had gone home but told her they would meet later . Gabriella put the 2 items she liked in the front of the shop on the first table with a lot of things for sale under the merchandise to hide it so if they came back she could show Micheal. For some reason we realized later that an elevator had fallen on that same shop table display. As we looked closer we saw a man dead by it under it and beside it. At this point Joey was with gab and me. I think Gabriella (but I felt like it was another woman deciding to hide the body) because we would be blamed because gab had hidden the jewelry there? We then were outside of Michaels apartment and looked up and saw his apartment where we saw the top of his head going around. Somehow gab joey and I took an elevator to it where we were able to go in with his bedroom being the entrance. We quietly were in standing in front of his bed but it seemed we were undetected or invisible so we just stood there and there was this blond woman with frizzy hair laying under the covers and he was laying over the covers but facing her and she was trying to kiss him and he was rejecting her and turning his face away and saying no come on stop. We walked towards the front door or entrance to leave but we still seemed invisible. Towards the way out it seemed the woman saw us but said nothing. Gabriella said she didn’t care about the woman. I was happy she wasn’t heart broken or internalizing it. Joey was still with us. This part of the dream is fuzzy We were in the front of a restaurant where there were a few Italian men and a woman outside and we entered and were in a area that looked like a basement with a big square basin in the center and somehow the body was seen and we were worried they would call the cops. It wasn’t actually the body but a male mannequin torso and they legs in another section. Also Gab or Joey were sleeping and I had a bag of candy near the bed for them