
Date: 10/19/2016

By Boygan

I inhabited a fictive world with a friend. he was simple, but I liked him well. He enjoyed music best, and I listened with him. It was fall in that world, as fall leaves fall down, As we biked through its silent expansiveness. There were craigs, rocks, and mountain-sides, upwards spanning, magnitudinous. We mastered of this physical world, thus standing separate from it as we talked. There was a girl with him also, and the love between both I felt besides, then as I followed the trail of their iterlocked eyes, and saw the endearment (it was afternoon then.) At the moment it was most the dream had ended. I had dreamed earlier that I was at a wedding at a town That was old, untouched by recent time. The bride wore lavender, and her father white. The husband and wife cried in hapiness, he had worn black in seriousness, but now it seemed superfulous as sweet tears rolled down his cheeks. The groups became drunk, festive, and my friends I brought watched the scene unfold itself. Light came through motes into the house, lighting the faces of each as they danced. How many joys were felt that day! Joy of a father sending his daughter away; Her love now to another man. I spoke to him in the backyard as secretly as a confidant can. He wept to me, and then composed, we walked inside, I saw the bride and poised myself so as to talk to her. I gave her endearing words and a rose, and she cried into my eyes. I went up to the groomsman and his friends, said goodbye and that I must be leaving. I went out the front with my friends to a green-car and drove away.