Date: 3/16/2018
By dazednconfusd
I was in the Vikings era as part of a Head family like Ragnar Lothbrok. There was a ceremony where everyone was crowded around a rocky water’s edge as three of us wore fabric masks and set them on fire, running into the water after a chant and setting our heads aflame. All of a sudden there was a challenger family from the north folk - they had red hair as if from Scotland. Our family could whisper through rocks, as I, the older brother, gave one to my younger brother and told him to hide under the water and he would be safe. I threw him the rock - He tucked the small rock behind his ear and got the message and made his way into the water. Once there I became him and found myself underwater, knowing I would find a way to survive. Soon enough, I found many of the others in a hidden cave that we were able to pop into and breathe out of. All of a sudden a few rooms materialized and it looked like a few of them had lived here - rooms and quarters, guns on the walls, bunk beds. One of the northern boys was there too and we challenged two of the kids to a battle between the families. I soon found myself in a living room on a bed trying to sleep through the morning, as a roommate said “ya he likes to sleep the longest” Then I woke up. PS - another dream where I found a couple rich motorcycle riding kids dressed to the nines, handing out fancy watch models to other rich guys as we were waiting in heavy traffic. I soon befriended them, and we made our way to a bar. I had a special bottle of whiskey and got to know these kids a bit - one of them turned into a girl and she took most of my whiskey, as two of us only had a few sips. I called her out on it and she was very embarrassed.