Digital art, A person with glasses and a gun that help them identify and fight against minion zombies navigates a post-apocalyptic game show, struggling to survive challenges and outmaneuver infected individuals while being spurred on by family and the desire to return home.

Minion zombies

Date: 2/8/2023

By votaco

So I drop into this world with glasses and a gun that tell me who has been infected by the minions. I’m with a group of other people that all also have the same glasses and guns as me. The gun is more like an energy gun. I start shooting and saving people and slowly figure out I’m fighting minions that turn people into minions and or kill people. As I’m fighting I turn the hallway and for some reason I take off the glasses which I think is a dumb move but I can’t control the body so it continues to happen. The next scene is of me walking through the dark hallways amid screams and scary zombie sounds while people. Im scared to look people in the eye and I try to help those who don’t look like they are infected. I somehow leave the school and am now outside. The scene jumps again and this time I’m being chased by infected people and manage to outmaneuver them and some minions on a golf cart and make it to an electronic foot ball score board. The board now has these 6 sets of vertical lights and a control panel ok the bottom. To get to the lights o have to struggle to climb up ladders. I make it up to the top and now I’m beginning to understand where I am and I’m apparently in some post apocalyptic game show and I’ve somehow survived all of the obstacles to make it to the end of this course. In order to get to the next course I have to figure out how to light up all the lights in a column. I manage to get them all up but one and from behind me is a really tall guy who is the second person to reach the lights. I comment saying that it isn’t far that he’s tall and is able to climb up the ladder much faster than me. He figures out how to get the lights and then after is both trying to figure out how to light it he manages to find a switch on the control panel and is the first person to go to the next round. I quickly copy him after commenting that god was unfair to make him good looking, athletic and smart the next scene begins. The scene is actually the guys backstory. He comes from another world and was dropped into this world after failing to save his first love when their worlds apocalypse began. In the flashback or memory he is young and in a school uniform and is fighting his fellow classmates who have turned into zombies. The scene cuts back to the present. We are now in a store that looks like it has been taken over by this green and blue alien plant. Behind the locked glass doors of the store are zombies and the minions trying to get in. Overhead is a narration that me and the guy are the only ones who have survived and that they are now upping the stakes for the game. My sister and mom are shown on the screen and the threat for me not making it through the course is that they will join the game if I die. For the guy his incentive is is that they will return him back to his world before the apocalypse begins so he can save his first love and the only person he ever loved. I curse the game show in my head and start to observe my surroundings. There are blue and white mushrooms on the ground surrounded by this blue water that looks acidic and has fumes coming from it. On the sides of the large room are viewers who are mostly cheering the guy on. He goes ahead first as he is far more athletic than me. I then begin to jump on the easier path to the end of the mushrooms which is a narrow wall with a small ledge hanging off of it. Above are monkey bars which the guy chose to take and instead I hug the wall to shuffle to the end. Near the end I trip and nearly fall but eventually make it across. At the end is a car, which we won from our resources. I end up being the one who has one the most resources because I lit up the most lights at the last stage. I eat and drink up from the supplies and all of a sudden in front of me is a screen that tells me that I have won back an ability to see who is infected and who is not. The scene ends with the glass door and window breaking and I’m just about to get into my car.

AI generated interpretation This dream combines a variety of elements and seems to touch upon different aspects of your life. The first part of the dream suggests that you may be concerned with identifying potential threats and protecting yourself from harm. The "minion zombies" represent a potential danger, and the fact that you are equipped with a gun and glasses that allow you to identify infected individuals suggests a desire to protect yourself and others from harm. As the dream progresses, you find yourself walking through dark hallways and attempting to help those who appear to be uninfected. This part of the dream suggests that you may be somewhat fearful of interpersonal connections or interactions with others that could potentially put you at risk. You may be struggling with trust or anxiety related to your relationships. The later parts of the dream seem to touch upon themes related to competition and the desire for recognition or success. The game show aspect of the dream suggests a desire to be recognized for your accomplishments, and the challenges you face throughout the dream may represent obstacles that you are attempting to overcome in your waking life. The fact that you are competing against other individuals, some of whom may have advantages over you, suggests a desire to test yourself and push yourself to achieve more. Overall, this dream suggests that you are grappling with a variety of psychological issues related to self-preservation, personal connections, and achieving your goals. It may be helpful to reflect on the various elements of the dream and consider how they might relate to your waking life.