Date: 10/31/2018
By leathecage
I was in this cottage that was in the middle of an eating area at an outdoor restaurant that was just the parking lot of my local Kroger. The cottage had big windows with the curtains open, and I was getting dressed. I had to crouch down so no one outside could see me. I then got the idea to shut the curtains, but I had to be quick so no one saw my naked body reach up in front of the window. Just then, Jimmy Kimmel walked in. I, still half naked, was freaked out. Him, on the other hand, paid it no mind, he was more surprised to see another person in the one room cottage. He told me that he rented the space but I was allowed to continue using it, he just was going to sleep in it that night. After he left I got fully dressed and this other guy came in. He began flirting with me and asking me personal questions. He then laid his hands on me and I got really scared. He forcefully pushed me against the wall, hands still on me. He thought he had me, but I smiled back at him and said "This is a dream". I then used my mind to throw him away from me and across the room. Then I jumped through one of the windows, glass going everywhere. I was now among the patrons of the outdoor restaurant, and I saw Robert Downey Jr. among them. I needed to get out of there, but I also wanted to invite him to this banquet I would be attending. I took an invitation from my pocket and folded it into a paper airplane, which I promptly tossed to him, and it landed in his bowl of soup. I then ran out of the Kroger parking lot, heading home. Before the banquet, there was an important meeting about some Government stuff. It was in a circular building that had a circular glass wall in the middle that surrounded a garden. Along the glass wall were platforms with tables and chairs, and they were stacked five high. The building was also in four sections, and the section I was in was the only one running. The rest were shut down, including the one with the main entrance. People were outraged, but I still had business to attend to. I was apparently a spy, I could also fly. I flew to this one section that was a stack of four Japanese men at each table, but the Robert Downey Jr. was at the top. From the bottom I asked each man questions about legal nonsense. As I was talking to the fourth guy the alarm started to go off. Robert Downey Jr. flew away in a panic yelling about how he needed to find his wife. Everyone started evacuating, including myself, but I actually found my way to the security room. I was flying down a long hall of authorized offices, all while wearing an invisibility cloak. I got to the main computer and started mashing button, as if I knew what I was doing. After I confidently hit enter all the security camera went down. I the exited the hall and was now at the banquet. It was in a tall, open building. It was three stories of long tables of people. I flew around and handed out bouquets of flowers to everyone. I even saw Neil Patrick Harris and his family, giving them one green bouquet to share. Next to him was Robert Downey Jr., who I finally got to talk to. I told him I was the one who threw him the invitation at Kroger. I too gave him a red bouquet. Further down the table, at the end, were the Try Guys. I handed them bouquets that matched their designated colors, and then I started chatting with Kieth about dumb stuff.