Lost in the Snow

Date: 2/23/2018

By Dreamberrie

I know this starts halfway through the dream but I can't remember the rest. I went paragliding over this snowy national park. To stay gliding I had to link arms with Axel who was in the middle and the one who was able to glide and he had another girl on his other arm. He could glide through the air without a sail or parachute. The girl said that it was so beautiful but so cold. At one point we came down and landed on this big rock lookout that had a great view over the park. Then I linked arms with Axel again and we jumped off the rock and kept going. I had to keep readjusting my grip so I was comfortable. Towards the end I let go completely and realised I could glide on my own. As we came in to land at a beach I realised the other girl wasn't with us anymore. We land in the water and trudged up to shore and climbed into a big boat where other gliders where waiting. We told the emergency peeps that we had lost someone. We said it would have been just past halfway so we jumped into their helicopter to see if we could see her. After flying over the N.P. we couldn't see her. When we landed the drivers/emergency team were asking us lots of questions. I woke up before it was resolved.