birds and the bees

Date: 7/11/2019

By livtina

Riley and I saw a huge black spider eating a bee. It was chasing the bee, and I genuinely thought that it would get away, but it didn’t. That cursed bee initially looked like it was trying to sting us. I remember Riley getting really excited. It gave her so much adrenaline. She said something like, “Look, look, look! The spider’s gonna eat the bee!” To be honest, I felt really bad for the bee, but I laughed along with her. The spider looked like a huge tarantula, bigger than an average one. We also saw a gigantic bird that grabbed the spider or something. I forgot, but then a hawk began to chase that bird. Talk about food cycle. The thing is, this “bird” was actually waaaay bigger than the hawk. I think the bird was an eagle or something, but maximized. I forgot. This was all happening outside. Riley and I were sitting outside, on some really comfortable bench or something, just enjoying life and things. Talking, laughing. The weather was good. Moderate. Mary Fran was in this dream, along with Kayleigh and Tamara. Sadie was even there. I saw a collection of maybe five raindrops fall down on my leg or whatever, and a sudden flash of lightning came. There wasn’t any thunder, but I ran inside the building anyway. Riley followed. I was... very scared. We went back into the computer lab and sat down at a table. For some reason, Riley and I wanted to sit at a specific table with Kayleigh so we could all three be next to each other. I think we just mainly wanted to tell her what happened outside. Before we went outside to begin with though, Riley and I were already sitting side by side at these computers. I forgot what we were even doing. I do not remember a teacher being present at all. It was like we were all just doing it just to do it. I remember feeling comfortable, because I knew my friends were there. I knew my cousin was there. It was carpeted, I believe. They didn’t look like cheap rooms to me, and it definitely didn’t look like we were in a school. It reminded me more of how it looks inside the YMCA, but somewhere in the halls. Tamara and I were also watching this movie in one of the computer labs. I think this happened even before everything I already stated. Maybe it was a show we were watching. I forgot. We were watching something. I remember being specific about what I wanted to watch. I think that, at some point, Riley joined. We really didn’t want to miss what was going on in the movie, for some reason. Perhaps, there was some kiss scene or important parts that helped you understand what was going on with the characters. I recall my mother being there with us, which was extremely comforting for me. There was a whole lot of dialogue in this dream, but I really did forget a portion of it. I think Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter was there, but you didn’t hear it from me. I’d add Hermione Granger in there too, but it’s not for certain. I believe that’s it. .: translation :. ❤︎ The bee or beehive represents rebirth and order within your life. ❤︎ This dream symbolises your work life situation and the balance between your job and your relationships of the heart. The symbols within this dream often indicate that you have been trying to balance these two key areas of your life. This dream also shows that you can successfully express yourself in difficult situations that you encounter. However, this can also mean that people perceive you in somewhat a negative manner. Growing and developing interpersonal skills with in your life is area that will help you. ❤︎ In essence bees show that life takes on new positive approaches based upon how we respond to emotion. ❤︎ Bees have a stinger, so they are considered a threat, although they attack only when feel threatened or when the beehive is somehow in danger. Regardless of that fact, most people fear them, and that is why dreams about bees might indicate some fears and anxiety related to some threats. Bumble Bees are focused, industrious, and proud. Dreaming about bumble bees suggest that you will work harder at work and be proud about your personal achievements. ❤︎ Hawk is a common name for the bird of prey. Hawks have a very sharp vision this is due to the number of nerves form the retina connected to the brain.  Their intelligence is not an exception; a recent test on Avian IQ suggests that hawks are one of the most intelligent bird creatures. The presence of this bird is also evident on myths and folklores.  Three different type of this animal is associated with some Greek Gods. One is connected with Hera, Goddess of Marriage, another with Apollo as his messenger and the last was with Ares, God of war. ❤︎ To the Christians, the hawk is a sign of hope, triumph and new life. The ability of the hawk to zoom its vision to small objects reminds us to extend our views to life.  Look for a higher spiritual consciousness and be open-minded.  The hawk tells us that we can achieve growth and development by having a clearer vision of our life. The hawk is sending us a message to soar high, but keep your feet on the ground.  As you may observe the hawk has the ability to fly high but still he has a keen observation of what's happening below him.  Furthermore the hawk is also telling us to be a good observant. Take a notice of your surroundings, small creatures can help us in a way we can never imagine. ❤︎ The hawk is also one of the most formidable predators, patiently waiting for the right time to grab its meal.  The hawk is advising us to be patient and wait for the right time until the fruit is ripe.  Do not go unprepared to the battle field; bring your armaments with you. Have you ever heard the unique cry of a hawk? Hawk makes sure that his voice and message will be clear to everybody.  A hawk is a messenger it communicates with us and it would be nice to listen to him. ❤︎ Did this dream give you the heebie-jeebies? Spiders in dreams are common. Spiders belong to a group of animals known as arthropods, in dreams, the spider can denote the following: a web of lies, trust is being challenged, something is worrying you and the feeling of being trapped. As spiders do not have skeletons or bones it can suggest that you are feeling trapped in life by something that is unseen. This could be a job, financial worries or problems in life. ❤︎ Spiders have been on this planet for almost 300 million years and in total there are 40,000 species. In dreams, we sometimes call upon certain memories in waking life. We draw conclusions in the dream state in order to express the fear that you feel. In ancient dictionaries the spider in dreams is a lucky omen. ❤︎ To dream of seeing a spider indicates you may have anxieties about life. This is truly a fear type dream, perhaps you are concerned about a situation in waking life and feeling trapped. This dream is normally connected to emotional complexities. On the positive side, the dream of a spider means that creativity is your weapon to move on in life. If you are a woman and you have a dream of a spider, it indicates that you need to be conscious of objective people around you at the moment. ❤︎ To dream of a big spider is associated with conflict or some female that is taking over your life. If you dream of a frightening spider, this means you need to connect to your inner self and discover the answers in order to overcome a problem. According to Proverbs 30:28, the spider takes hold of the hands and is found in the king's’ palaces. The spider is somewhat hardworking from a spiritual perspective. The biblical meaning of a spider is connected to the shadow of our mind.  In your life, a spider portrays the vision that God has placed in your hands; many spiritual books denote that a spider allows us to accomplish excellent work. Spiders in the Bible is connected to perseverance, hard work, and patience, feminine energy, fate and a brighter tomorrow. As you succeed in doing smaller things, God will entrust you with bigger things. In the spiritual totem, a spider represents a teacher of power. ❤︎ A television  is a picture of how one’s sees their present conditions. A television reveals symbolically, how one will have a tendency to tackle choices in waking life. It is important to think about how options or thoughts are communicated with others. ❤︎ Positive changes are afoot if... * You dreamt of watching a television. ❤︎ Rain in a dream symbolises feeling positive about life. Perhaps you turned your back on somebody or a project that you was working on. It is important to understand that one must not be scared to move on in life. Rain is water and water is associated with emotions in the dream state. If we look at the weather in general this dream interpretation means that there is always sunshine after the rain. ❤︎ Lightning featured in your dreams denotes contentment and wealth of short duration. ❤︎ To dream of a computer represents the expertise, knowledge, and progression of today's world. You are being offered new possibilities and options. This dream may also symbolize your desire to break free from conformity and be able to exude your own personality. You tend to follow the group without offering your ideas or suggestions. You are too passive. Perhaps you feel inferior and unimportant in your role. To dream that you are in a laboratory implies that you are trying to discover your spirituality and explore your emotions and characteristics. You may be facing a major change in your life. ❤︎ When one dreams of the great Outdoors, this is representative of a person who needs to have more freedom and who needs to be recharged by the Earth itself. When one dreams of the outdoors, this is showing that it’s time for you to take a break from all that in order to recharge and find yourself in a beautiful meadow overlooking a grove of trees, in which a beautiful bonfire burns. ❤︎ This scenario is the healthiest and wisest that you could possibly create for yourself. When this happens there is also a level of escape that you desire to do which is also reflecting in your dreams. You are the type of person who needs the guidance of their higher source energy to help them remember that it’s time to take a break. 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝: 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐲, 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 .: end of translation :.