Date: 9/30/2018
By dazednconfusd
Playing baseball for Boston little league team - no glove out in right field - knee the coach, team got into a brawl. Im in a small college like town with lots of buildings/rooftops and the following happens: Get a warning for driving on the right side of the car/ghost riding Smoke a cup of tea turned into a hash pipe w friends around a bonfire Walk through the town and Eat a bunch of crazy hot dog fair type food Dress up in a towel the can’t wrap around my legs Get shit faced drunk with two blond chicks whilst wearing my makeshift toga outfit - it falls off and I start hooking up w one of the girls. I mention my “parole” from the ticket w the cop earlier and she has a fake cop uniform, getting us thru security while I am naked/drunk in public. Drive thru the projects, my friend driving calls a bunch of black ppl cripps and we almost get shot - 4 white dudes come to our rescue and everyone is shooting around our car and we are stuck in the snow/ice in high gear - we then somehow get out alive and are interviewed by the cops about what happened. Still don’t know how we didn’t manage to get shot. Participated in a scavenger hunt where we had to return a samurai sword to its blacksmith owner, I found the secret way thru the roof to get to its final spot, found myself on a bike rack hanging from the ceiling. Then I woke up.