New apartment

Date: 2/2/2019

By tourque

Dreamed I was looking for an new apartment, but it was going to be separate from our place on river, didn’t quite understand the arrangement, but I was looking on my own. Anyhow, the place was nearby, I think on Donald. It was in a walk up high rise, maybe 5 stories up and it was top floor. I found the building, had to go through a side alley to access the wooden staircase at the back. Walked up and knocked, the prospective landlord answered and showed me in. It was their own apartment, and the place for rent was through their place and off to the side. It was essentially 2 rooms, the main room was big and had balcony access that overlooked the street and from it I could see river avenue about a block away and around where the congress would be. I also noticed on the front street, middle boulevards with hedges and a Canadian flag at either end, where the streets crossed. The other room was weird, half bedroom with a bathroom on one wall, yup the toilet was just right there. I thought it could make a nice office - dream self is not very logical. I wanted to see it from the street below, so I snuck out the back way and went to the front street. I really liked what I was seeing, it was a beautiful summer day and I thought I had found a great place, out next home. Then I got a bit lost, I walked up and down the block, but couldn’t recognize which building was the right one. The sun started to set, and it was getting hard to see. I recalled seeing the Canadian flag and used it as a marker to figure out where to balcony view should be. Eventually in pitch dark I found the building and used my phone to flashlight the back alley. I rang the doorbell and explained that I went down to see the street and got a bit lost when the sun set. Inside their place was now the woman landlord, her husband, and another woman, who I guessed was the sister. When I expressed interest in renting the suite, they kept saying “if the vice principal is okay with it...” like they were ribbing the sister. I didn’t get the joke. Then I woke up.