Digital art, A young woman finds herself trapped in a beautiful Italian city, held captive by a horrifying creature who seemingly manipulates everyone around her, leaving her desperate and alone, unsure of who she can trust or how to escape.

We’re kidnapped by *

Date: 12/18/2023

By Alex_7298

* is a monster and my mother knows it. They keep us kidnapped together with many others in a nice place, like downtown a classical Italian city and I cry like a baby because he knows my every move and I don’t know who I can talk to!! Who can help?? Who’s gonna believe me?? Not the police, they’re with him… the guard who guards the door to my apartment… It seems everyone is a mole working in his side!!! I don’t know how to escape, to break free! I punch and smack them both in their faces. I feel so exhausted and betrayed and angry!!!

AI generated interpretation In your dream, the central theme is being kidnapped by a monster, which represents a perceived threat or danger in your waking life. This could symbolize a situation, person, or aspect of yourself that feels threatening and overpowering. The fact that your mother knows about this monster suggests that there may be someone close to you who is aware of this threat but might not be able to help you effectively. The setting of the dream, a classical Italian city, represents a familiar and romanticized environment. This could symbolize a contrast between feelings of beauty and safety in your external surroundings, while internally feeling trapped and insecure. Your emotions in the dream play a significant role. Crying like a baby signifies vulnerability and helplessness, reflecting a sense of powerlessness in confronting and dealing with the situation at hand. This may suggest feelings of frustration or fear of being unable to protect yourself or find someone who can help. The fear that nobody will believe you, including the police who are perceived as being on the monster's side, highlights a deep sense of isolation and lack of support. It amplifies the feeling of betrayal and distrust towards those who might be in a position to help. This might stem from a belief that your concerns or struggles are not taken seriously or acknowledged by others in your waking life. The act of physically fighting back by punching and smacking the monster and the guard represents your desire to regain control and assert yourself in the face of adversity. It demonstrates a need for empowerment and a release of pent-up emotions, such as exhaustion, betrayal, and anger. Overall, this dream suggests that you may be grappling with challenging circumstances or relationships that make you feel dominated and trapped. It highlights feelings of isolation, fear, and frustration, as well as a need for support and validation. It may be helpful to explore ways to assert yourself or seek assistance in addressing the perceived threats in your waking life.