Dark Society

Date: 5/13/2019

By ace200

In our society, a system had begun where if you needed a certain body part, organ, or anything to survive, you could get it from another person if you were deemed a qualified enough human being that deserved to live. However, if you were not a qualified human, you were the one chosen to donate your body parts. I got a letter in the mail telling me I had to donate my parts. It was terrifying, and I didn’t want to do it, but it was the law. My parents drove me to the center, that looked super high tech and professional. Inside, they signed some papers, then let me go. I was put in a chair that connected to the floor and moved on it’s own. It pushed me through the halls until I was sat in front of a large screen in a dark room with four other kids. We each got an explanation of the procedure. We would first choose how we wanted to die, and then the procedure would continue. We had 24 hours to do this. Usually every kid who didn’t believe in the system, or was afraid of dying, would take up the entire 24 hours in the hopes that something would interfere. We heard talk of rebels who wanted to stop the system, and we all hoped they would come. Over these hours, two of my friends were also there in the same situation, while another was receiving a body part. I asked how she could possibly accept someone else’s part and she said it was the law. She also said I should just grow up and do my job by dying. My 24 hours were up and I had to submit my application, not that I had many choices, it just made everything seem more democratic even though we didn’t have a say. I just got to decide where my extra parts would go that weren’t being used. My hands shook as I submitted my application on a tablet. The huge screen opened up and my chair took me inside of its darkness.