Eyeball (all my friends in it)

Date: 1/13/2018

By headFeed

Im at my house. even though its my house were in an open farm area. im looking outside when suddenly huuge dark grey storm clouds start barreling towards us. i tell everyone to come inside and close the window. it comes and passes very quickly, it rained for only 30 seconds maybe. were wondering what the hell that was, i see it coming again, this time i look carefully at it and as it passes i realize that it had a huge eyeball inside of it. its sentient. it sees someone outside and vaporizes it. this is when we realize we need to run. i grab my cats and start running from the house. the house gets eaten up by the storm. as im running i realize my parents got picked up by a red jet plane thing. i realize that its my friend lewis’s plane from GTA 5 and i run towards him. i want to jump and wave my hands but i cant cause i have my cats in my arms. im hoping that he sees me and doesnt fly away with me running straight for the storm. he starts flying straight after me. i have to jump onto the plane. somehow i manage to and were off. next thing i know were parked in the city inbetween two buildings.the plane has a big open area thats not upgraded well enough for intruders to not come in. i lock the entrances to the plane yet people are somehow still coming in for safety. im yelling at them saying we dont have enough room for them, we have reserved areas for our family and friends. theyre ignoring me. im wondering how so many people know about this place anyway and one person tells me a pizza shop is leaking it. i order some pizza from them and strangle the person delivering it. asking her what the hell is going on. she kicks me and runs away and im just so confused. i go back to my room and all these random people are settling down, im saying that theyre not allowed in my room or some other rooms that are meant for my friends but theyre not listening. i just get in bed at this point. my bf is in bed next to me. my family is in the same room too. were about to sleep but somethings wrong. theres a red glow. people are screaming outside. i tell my bf to get under the covers cause i think the eyeball is here. and it is, an eyeball comes into the room, floating and looking around. i stay under the covers and i hear it vaporizing people, i think it got my parents. robert peeks out and i yell whisper at him to get back under but it was too late, hes gone. the eyeball leaves. idk what to do. i look around and im the only one left. i think i slept for w long time too. i feel some hard rectangular shape in my pants. i pull it out and its a communication device. i hear my friend arth talk through it, but i know he got vaporized. i talk to him and hes just being friendly like usual asking if im ok. i walk out of the room, everything feels old now. theres even roots growing in the place. i leave and theres a big tree growing over a house. as i walk towards it i keep pulling more of these devices out of my pants. my hand is filled with these things and everyone is talking. im asking them if they know where my bf is, and theyre not sure where even they are. i listen to each one and realize one is just static. i listen carefully trying to talk theough it too and for a second the static stops and it sounds like him, im really happy but i cant understand him and im worried. i try to get a better signal by getting up higher. i try grabbing the vines and branches of the big tree and climb it, its really difficult so i go back down. i go around and climb a less steep area. i realize as i go up that this tree doesnt even have a trunk, its just roots growing everywhere. i get to the top of the house thing and im terrified. looking everywhere everything is destroyed and barren with lots of overgrowth, no trees though, just grass and roots wverywhere. i look up and my terror worstens as theres a huge eyeball in the sky with red rings around it moving around. it turned into the sun. (im assuming that i actually got vaporized after my bf did, and this realm where the eye is the sun is where youre taken to. the only way to communicate with anyone is theough those devices, but youll never see them again cause theyre in a different eyeball realm)