Amusement Park

Date: 6/16/2019

By carterhansen

In my dream, this person that I used to be friends with, Jacob, was giving me a ride home. Their car had a weird setup. The driver’s seat was on the right side of the car, and the passenger’s seat was backwards, and there were two seats in the back. I sat in the back, and some other kid rode with us and sat in the back as well. On the way, we drove by this amusement park, Valleyfair, and noticed that there were a lot of new rides. Jacob was like, “Wanna go to Valleyfair.” I was like sure. We started walking in, and the entrance to the park was completely different to how it is in real life. It was like a cement area with cement stairs that you had to go up and around the park on in order to get to the place where you buy tickets. Before we went up the stairs, though, some lady working was like, “Do you have a ticket?” I said no, and she was like, “Okay. They’re 43 dollars at the booth.” The other kid who rode with us had a gold pass, so I said, “Oh! My friend has a gold pass, so I get the Bring A Friend discount.” Then the lady handed me a badge with my name on it, and said it was my Bring A Friend ID. On the way to the ticket booth, I transferred myself $33 from my mom’s bank account. And that’s all I can remember.