Color Gang Heist

Date: 6/11/2018

By Onii

Okay so we have gangs in America obviously but not like the color gangs they have in Japan. In my dream, me and my white friend—let’s call him Barry—were out on a mission or something, whatever. Not like a real spy mission, more like we were running errands. I know that’s it’s some special event like a birthday or something that causes us to go out and about. Barry, being our stereotypical white gay, wants to do a big makeover. Like he’s already planning on getting his nails done to the max. As for me, I was already irritated because my family was in town, and I didn’t feel like dealing with them. Barry kept whining that we should hit up some girl from this apartment complex—aka the projects— so she can hook me up with some good hair and Barry his nails. First off, Barry had never even met this chick, and second, when we arrived to the apartment she was so-called staying in, it looked more like a parking garage. There was no real way to get inside. We’re climbing over abandoned cars and broken concrete and everything. We finally reach her floor, and my irritation is one level away from snapping. So as Barry knocks on the door, I’m sitting on the steps ready to go home when a girl comes up the stairs. It’s real narrow, I know it is, but I make no effort to let her get through comfortably. So she shoves past me and turns to look at me before shouting and cursing. Like really bitch? Are you that mad? Anyway, I’m telling her to back the hell up but of course we start getting loud. And she jabs my forehead and I shove her back and she ends up slipping and falling down the stairs-Don’t worry she ain’t dead. By this time, the chick we came for opened the door except it wasn’t the chick. it was a whole gang dressed in orange and they were not happy like I almost started running off. But I told them we were just looking for someone who did hair, and as I’m saying this I signal for Barry to head towards the fire escape. The girl from earlier starts shouting and now everyone knows I’m an enemy and starting beef. Barry’s already got the window open as I deck the main guy in the nose. We’re running down the fire escape now and we could just hear them rioting from outside, but we escaped. We headed back into the mall where my family was still celebrating like nothing happened. The end :)