OBE Test

Date: 6/23/2020

By akakaaykay

Before my dream, I had told my sister to write a word on a piece of paper and to put it in a drawer in our bedroom, where I will open and read the word in my OBE. So back to the dream. I was on my bed with my blanket over me. My hand reached out from my blanket but I feel a human leg on my bed which is not mine. I did a lucidity check to confirm that I was in a dream, and a OBE one. I got up from my bed and opened the drawer to find a piece of paper inside. The word written on it is not a real English word, but when I flipped the paper to its other side, I saw the word “DENSE”. I placed the paper back, closed the drawer and exited the dream to record the word before I fell back asleep again. After the dream, I told my sister of the word I saw in my OBE. Unfortunately, that is not the word that she has written. Her word is ‘DREAM’. While I didn’t get it right, some parts of it are eerily similar. They start with the same letter ‘D’ and they are both having 5 letters. The font that I saw in my dream is almost the same as how she has written it, all uppercase letters, bold and in blue. Well, better luck next time!