Date: 5/10/2019
By applesauce
I was in a town with a group of people and we were outsiders. For some reason we were in danger and all I wanted to do was leave. At some point I remember turning to someone asking if we could leave, not just in the way of "we should leave," but as if they actually had the authority to send us somewhere else. It felt like a DND set up where I was talking to Jonah. Later I was on my own and leaving France. The person I'd been staying with in France, who was the old guy from NCIS (Gibbs), took the train with me that would take me to the airport. Except in the dream world, France was on a different planet from where I was going so we had to take a train to the end of the world. I guess a spaceship would launch from there. When we got to the train station we were with two little girls. There was a shoreline but the ocean was unnaturally long and rectangular, like a wave pool. The water was dark and sinister looking but as we waited the two girls wanted to play in the water. They kept running out into the waves and coming back with found clothing and hats that they kept putting on, but eventually we told them to get out of the water. I remember getting on the train with my luggage, but I don't remember getting off. I think the train ran over this long skinny ocean, which was flanked on either side by long strips of sand. Kind of like a sidewalk on either side of a wide road. At one point the train went by Budapest, which was surrounded by this dark, empty desert. I remember thinking "Why the hell would anyone want to live in Budapest if it's out here in this wasteland?" Suddenly we were off the train, and I don't think I had my suitcase. As we walked the ocean disappeared and the entire skinny rectangle was gray sand. Along either side were sinks and counters. Gibbs said we should wash some of the dishes to be polite and I agreed. As I started washing some of the dishes, a girl walked up with her arms crossed and sort of laughed at us. We paused and asked what was so funny. She told us the more we interacted with the environment the more likely we were to die. She pointed to some apples sitting a little further down on the countertop and said those would almost certainly kill us, even if we tried to wash them since the water was poison too. I realized that the clothes the little girls had found at the shore had come from dead bodies, and these apples were probably left by people who were now dead too. The girl was dressed like a cowgirl with braids and all. She told us her family had been tricked into moving here by her older brother, who had been brainwashed into liking it. She got a brick of what looked like hard rubber or something and cut it into pieces on a bandsaw. She gave us the chunks and told us it was solid water and that it wouldn't hurt us. I think this is where the dream ended.