Being chased by creatures and helping gods wedding while needing to pee?

Date: 5/29/2018

By hitchhiker24601

I was just having an afternoon nap when I dreamt about being part of this weird group of like 12 ppl with weapons to protect these gods while two of em were getting married. While I was on my own trying to get to them, these weird shadowy/seethrough tall looming humanesque creatures were after me- they couldn’t run but came from all directions and tired me out before making my weapon disappear. But then the weapon is transferred to another world where a dude dressed like obi won collects it. This guy looks almost like he’s at a landfill and he grabs a kfc bucket with a plastic bag attached to it and tries to fly?!? It. He is successful. The dream then goes to me arriving at this store, that is actually where the wedding will be and they are picking out a group of trumpeters to line up along the aisle. I kept needing to pee but something would happen every time I tried to cross hall to washroom