Date: 3/2/2017
By Corvus
I was a player of a weird game, the game has the capability to hurt people but is really popular to the city populace. I was one of the best players, but one day I have created 3 surefire strategy that defeated the top. That guy could not believe his defeat that he dueled me several times, and even stalked me to work. But he was unable to find my workplace as well as my home. I was a working in a journalist studio after all, and I don't look alike the one who play the game. The most famous journalist from my work has recognized me as the current top player, hence I was sent back to my home town, a journalist from the city has decided to accompany me to my trip. First, we stopped to my old school, it's a wide 4 story building with 2 basketball full courts, 3 or 4 air-conditioned classrooms, the outside of the building has an abandoned area that looked like a parking lot the size of 2 basketball full courts. When I visited the school my old schoolmates from elementary was there, they're at a highschool level now, I guess I am too. Too many nostalgic memories of my weak self on the place has accumulated and the journalist with me was already tired, so we decided to continue to my old home. On he way home there was the cafeteria, from which we have been found by 5 kids eating while playing cards, 3 out of 5 kids I remember their nicknames derived from Yu Gi Oh cards, 2 of them i remember the face from my Real Life elementary friends. (Andy and that gay look alike kid, forgot the name) When I got back to my old home, there was no one home, the 5 kids has accompanied us home after all in the middle of the day, there is a wide kitchen and 3 story bedrooms that are connected to a single wide room. There's a bed on the 1st floor from which a stair can be found unto the 2nd bed that still connected to the 1st one, and another stair that is still connected to the 2nd to the 3rd bed. End of Dream, I'm already conscious by this time, and will be able to alter the dream into a daydream.