Girls get boners too

Date: 12/24/2019

By pinkstar16121

There was this woman who had two toddlers, a boy and a girl. She recounted how her daughter got a boner before her son and how it was funny. You know how little boys can get involuntary boners? Well, apparently in my dream so did girls. It was funny in the dream, but now it's just weird. Then, there was this social experiment of matching 14-16 year olds for marriage. There was an emphasis on 14-year olds though. The logic was, starting young can decrease the possibility of divorce, which is totally illogical. They were quite literally paired up to dance. The teens were then adults, 18+ and I felt like I was one of them, pressed up against a guy. I felt sexual tension as he grabbed my ass and I felt his balls through his clothes. I felt like I was this younger girl in that moment. He asked me if he could lift me up. I wanted him to. Then I was on a street that looked like a street in my town. There was even a sign I recognized. I wrote on the sign some incomplete sentence, my last thing I wrote being "ATR." I thought no one would notice, but everyone did, wondering what it meant. They didn't know I wrote it though. I don't even know what it meant. Suddenly there were these wasps flying around and I was getting anxiety about possibly getting stung. For some reason I lay down on the pavement. Then I woke up.