Scratches, School, & Swimming

Date: 4/11/2016

By Anarcha

Part I - the first thing I can remember is being in a house that seemed like a combination of a house I stayed in while vacationing in Florida and my house I'm living in right now. Mom was in a bad mood; worse than usual - the next thing I know I'm in the bathroom crying because I have big bloody gashes all over me. There are two or three really really big ones going diagonally across my back - they were more like big rectangles of bloody patches than gashes. I had a few big gashes elsewhere too, I think on my arms and chest. I hid in the bathroom until Mom left the house. I feel like I have recurring dreams of Mom acting overly abusive (either physically or mentally), which she never ever is in real life. Part II - I woke up for a moment then fell back asleep into this dream. The very first part of school that I remember here was being in a huge assembly, everyone was packed together and it was sort of like a concert, and suddenly something burst into flames. The people who were carrying it ran back backstage and the whole backstage was flame-filled. I don't think anyone got hurt, but I was cringing at the thought of being back there because it would have hurt. Later, we were all chilling in class or something. The lights were off; I think it was because there was a presentation or movie going on or something. This kid Reed I knew in 7th grade was there; I think I liked him because he had similar ideologies and music taste as me. After a while of sneaking looks at him, the girl sitting next to me started taking pictures of him or something with the flash on to get his attention. She nonstop took pictures. I was looking away awkwardly, pretending I didn't notice. I cautiously looked over to him though and he was looking at the girl and laughing quietly. When his eyes came to me I laughed a bit too. Later, the school went to a restaurant for some reason. There were several tables that we all packed into. I sat at a table with about maybe twelve people. It was a circular booth. For some reason I remember 5 of the people were handicapped or retarded in some way. Reed was at that table. The waiter came up to us asking what we wanted but we didn't have any menus so we were like idk. The waiter left and we were all just sitting there like what now. Later, I was back in school but the interior setup was configured like my old elementary school now. I can't remember much of what happened in-class besides putting a computer away and walking past Reed, but later I had earbuds in and was listening to some kick-ass music while walking to gym. When I got to the gym, there were bleachers against the other side of the gym, packed with students and they were listening to the gym teacher talking. I went up to the bleachers and took a seat, noticing a bunch of guys with cool jackets or band t-shirts of stuff I liked. I sat near one or two of them. The teacher started calling my name, but I didn't hear her, so my friend or just a person sitting next to me elbows me and tells me she's calling me. The class laughs a bit but I just laugh too and speak up saying "What? What? Sorry!" The class later lined up for something and I was behind a boy with a Bad Religion patch on his jacket. It turned out to be Sam (friends with Reed and also similar ideologies/music taste), and he said I had a cool jacket and called me Laura (my name is Lauren). Part III - there was this game thing put you had to go underwater and select something. I know it sounds odd and confusing. When I saw underwater, I was surrounded by dirt and on the dirt there were selections of music and games. So I was looking for one particular thing, and I could stay underwater for a long period of time. I chilled at the bottom and was looking around but couldn't find what I was looking for. I came to the surface several times, but I eventually realized the thing I was looking for was abbreviated by name. For some reason, I was looking for the song Locust by Machine Head. I selected it somehow. Later I went to an ice cream shop with some friends and got Dairy Queen I think. Idk. This dream is all over the place.