overall pretty nice dreams if i dont say so myself

Date: 10/25/2017

By vileplume

1. i go into some underground-ish "mall" area place which is grey. there were some people down here already but apparently i wasnt supposed to be here (because it was closing?) i continue walking anyways but theres no where to go. the place is just some hallways attached like an L shape. i pass an arcade but i reach the dead end which just has some bathrooms. i go into a small one which i think just had a sink and mirror in it. i leave the door open and pretend to look at my phone so it looks like i was already here and didnt sneak it. from outside in the hall i hear some more guys that mustve snuck in and some man trying to get them out. i turn towards the door and the man (tall, big-ish build, combed black hair, blue eyes) looks at me with a kinda surprised look in his eyes because he wasnt expecting anyone else. i continue going through with my plan and keep some plain deadpan wth look on and walk past him, still holding my phone. i walk back down the hall but i can tell hes following me and i look back and he is. i continue walking but he picks up his pace so me and some other girl continue running and we leave the place. we re outside now with more people, some cars and buses, and buildings. the man was still chasing us but i think the girl ran onto a stopped bus. the street was like a T shape and i was running towards the top of it. i kept running and thought about getting on a few buses i passed but thought he could also get on it so i just continued running and looked behind and couldnt see him anymore. im now at the top of the T street which has some big/tall houses and realize its getting dark out. i think about knocking on a house door to see if i could stay there but instead i went a lil down a path between two houses and got a message like me thinking i was trespassing. i looked back up on the sidewalk and saw a silhouette of some girl who started saying i was trespassing and i was scared of her getting angry and telling someone so i think i started to leave which takes us to the next part its now day and sunny out. im at a gas station which looks like the one i was at before last month. its on a long straight road with nothing else and theres just grass surrounding it. there are some other people there too. i see the girl i like and think about going up to her or to go inside the place to get a snack. i decide to go up to her and we hang out for a few minutes until i woke up 2. (probably was before one above?) im sitting at our dining room table with other people surrouding it. i have some pokemon card packs to open and someone wants to do a pack battle with me and the few other people with them agree so we go ahead and start doing one. the first one i opened was an error pack/card and we immediately see this holo rayquaza card which was also called "Rayqza" or something. i keep showing the cards and i think the cards look really nice tho theyre not actually irl cards. they looked more old and had bigger borders but were shiny. we finish(?) and my mom starts getting angry/annoyed at something and starts talking mad. i find it annoying and i feel like other people find it weird and annoying too because why would you start ranting when other people are over and trying to have a good time. the one other person from before i think asks why dont we just open the cards over there so we move to a corner of the room. i continue opening up my packs and see more "fake" cool cards. i had some full arts one of some grass themed sandslash by the looks of it. 3. im in the computer lab (which now has a different set up) in the school which i dont go to anymore. im sitting at a computer and the teacher notices i came back and i was like Ya. i then go to the bathroom in a stall because i have a costume which i was gonna change into for some reason but i just leave the costume in there and leave the bathroom. i walk down the hall back towards the computer lab and see the girl i like (ya the same one as before) talking to someone. she notices me and starts talking (i dont exactly remember what though) she wants to hang out with me though she still has a boyfriend (whose name i forgot but i think it was "Hot [something that wasnt a name at all]"). the scene changes and now we're in some food court at a table with some other people and the boyfriend "Hot ___" but i dont take a good look at them because the both of us go to buy food. they get in line and start asking about the food/ordering. the worker lady says i can eat "zachary('s)" which i wasnt sure what that was. i was thinking it was a soup. me and the girl go over to one those store ice cream/popsicles freezers to start looking for "zachary's" but we cant really find them and she says to "get the one with the weird logo" and pulls out a wrapped up in white ice cream and i could feel it was a big ice cream sandwich. i said this wasnt the right one and noticed the "zacharys" which were smaller normal rectangle ice cream sandwiches in a mostly clear wrapper and took one of those. we walked away and went to the next restaurant/food order place but then the lady from before started talking loud asking who left this money on the counter and i go ask/say to the girl that we have our money/paid right and then i woke up