university, fight with brother

Date: 1/5/2017

By fiercerunner

I attended a fairly large university. I had an older brother. Things were good but for some reason i got in an argument with my brother. He said something that hurt my feelings: "All our lives you've never contributed anything to our relationship!" It was like he was saying I was a useless brother. I was angry and hurt. To make things worse I got to the locker room to collect my things and go to class, but when I got there I saw my stuff strewn everywhere and my athletic bag was torn on the inside. I hatefully and irrationally convinced myself it was my brother that did it, but it was probably a stranger looking for something valuable to steal. I also discovered I had no clean clothes to wear - only my dark blue khaki shorts and nice blue t-shirt I wore the day before. I got dressed in that and headed to my first class of the semester. There were many marble steps and Greek pillars. The building I was walking through was exposed to outside weather. Doors only led into classrooms, not further into the building. Everywhere else in the building/pavillion had walking paths that clearly led outside or to a little market with snack shops and newspaper stands, it seemed. At one moment when I was walking there was an oddly placed step on a marble staircase that was raised twice as high as the other steps, but only the spot directly in my path. I turned to my left to get around it, but when I saw there were plenty of people in my way, I opted to just hop up onto the raised part of the step with a little bit of extra effort. When I got to the classroom, it was empty. I waited and waited until I started to panic a bit and got out my phone to check my schedule. Turns out I had gotten the room number wrong. It was still in the same building (labeled HPC), but on the 5th floor, as the number was 500-something. I was supposedly still on the 1st floor, as I had arrived at room number 130, which was the classroom for one of my later classes that day.