i fell in love

Date: 1/12/2021

By sugarbelle

I was on vacation at this weird place. It was like Antarctica but it was Sandy and a bunch of wind picked up and it made things burst in the flames. I was with my friend Paige Thompson and we were walking around and we found this desk with a bunch of stuff on it. It was in the middle of nowhere, and there was a bunch of jewelry. I stuff my pockets with it while Paige and another person went off to go find the plane or whatever we were taking to leave the strange place. It left without us and they came back. I had really bad déjà vu and I knew that I had done the exact thing before and the plane was never actually going to come. We ended up walking back in the other direction and we met up with our group for some reason. It was almost like the Girl Scout field trips i took when i was younger bc some of my old troop was there, but it was also with random boys and girls. While we were walking, the weather was really bad. It was so strange because it was a combination of freezing cold and things bursting into flames but the temperature was completely normal. It was really pretty to see but it was also really terrifying. there was a boy in the group, that I liked apparently, and I kept trying to talk to him but he didn’t seem to really wanna talk to me. Eventually as time went on somebody said we’re going to do a date night so everybody paired up. I wanted to go with him but I just didn’t think he would choose me. All the sudden he hugged me from behind and I was surprised that he picked me. We were all dressed up and we walked over to our table. Everybody else was in group tables but we were lucky enough to have our own one across from each other. all the sudden, an older man burst in the restaurant and said that he only had 15 minutes to run in and grab dinner so his mom could watch the storm. She was sick and she wanted to watch it one more time. All of us thought it was really sweet. After that, me and the boy were talking and then one of the chaperones or whatever moved us to a group table so we were kind of upset. I kept trying to talk to him but the people next to us were so loud, and i couldn’t form sentences. I got kind of confused in my dream so I don’t know how I ended up finding a place alone with him. just before I said “I love you” I woke up from a phone call. I’ve never seen this person in my life but he seemed so familiar