Date: 11/10/2020
By dydeath
Me and my friend were working we were finally finished and it turned out my friend ordered lunch and I already bought myself a sandwich and another one because i forgot about the first one I then told him I would save them for later so we could still eat his food then as I was walking the sidewalk, I saw people playing a game where you screamed out someone's name and they screamed something then someone else screamed out another name and it basically spiraled out of control and could sometimes go way out around the city. Then I saw this guy inside a car and he started saying he was having a heart attack, I had my phone out but was recording, I quickly stopped recording and started calling 911, I called 1 time but accidentally turned off face cam and muted as I would do for online school, I realized I messed up, hung up for some reason and called again this time letting autofill fill in the 11, it said, do you mean 911? It was pretty cool. When they answered they clearly said hello this is 911 to make sure nobody messed up by accident and I started saying there was this guy having a heart attack, and they asked for address and I asked my other friend and she was saying it was in Albuquerque, and then the cops said they were on their way, the guy got out of his car and started trying to stretch and jump to get less pain and we were just waiting for the ambulance to arrive, then out of nowhere I saw the guy ram a van with a crowbar/chain. I started walking to the guy and he was talking about some place and called himself from there and how he never loses or something like that when we saw police coming with white swat armor, and the fail song started playing kinda but mostly in my head. They probably anticipated him and sent out people who could handle him and he was tackled to the ground and I was so mad because he lied about the heart attack it was just a distraction but at the same time it backfired.