Breaking Up With The Past. Again

Date: 3/23/2019

By Fitful

I was moving out of my ex's house. It was my ex Liz but in this dream the house, my stuff, everything was different. The emotions were similar but different too. It was that sadness but mostly tense I want to get away from this rejection, kinda on both sides. She wanted me gone, but felt bad about it. I wanted to go because it felt bad to be rejected but I didn't really want to go. Anyway I kept packing. I packed everything so meticulously. Stuff got organized so well. Electronics packed in heavy protection. Clothes clean and folded in dozens of suitcases and carryons and duffel bags all with wheels. I packed computers, a laptop and a desktop, and hard drives. The hard drives and the laptop were what I have currently irl, not what I had when I actually dated this person. I kept getting distracted though, by the idea of organizing the stuff I took with me on the hard drives and computers too. Basically I dawdled. And then there was the chips. Several bags of chips were left out. Different kinds, two kinds of dorititos, potato chips. I kept eating them, almost like I couldn't stop. I ate my share but it wasn't really my share, that was a lie I told myself because I couldn't stop. I ate more than half each bag, I ate almost the whole bag and stopped just enough to not seem greedy. Then sometimes I went back to the bag I left later and munched some more. The entire time Liz watched me, sad and defeated and bitter. She wanted me gone immediately. I delayed. There was a Dude there, I'm not sure what he looked like. He was a monk, and he was tiny, maybe only a few feet tall. He waited a week for an interview with me but I had been busy packing (and probably fighting and breaking up with Liz when he arrived) so I hadn't had time to see him yet. He still waited and watched as I packed up electronics very very carefully. I got distracted again by a video game. I had it on my laptop and a hard drive and my phone. I began playing it on my phone or tablet and it was so fun. An ancient Tomb game where you went searching for something in a future world a thousand years from now. Somehow suddenly reality got flipped and we, me and the monk, were in the game and it was real life. Everything here was like civilization beginning. Magic was real. And technology was an ancient myth, like magic had been for us irl. The monk however had been on a spiritual quest to find "ancient" technology. We walked rolling grass plains with ruins and tombs beneath the hills and we found a few pieces of broken and old tech. It was more advanced than anything irl, like a metal arm band which did who knows what (it looked like what Lela had in futurama only it was giant sized and seemed attached to what looked like the remains of a stone arm), but here a thousand years in the future it was old and old and old, ancient ruins and barely in use. Just a magnet field still barely active. The monk was beside himself having found it, utterly beside himself with glee. He pointed out how the tech attracted itself to more old ancient tech, we found more beneath the waves of an invisible sea. The tech gathered together like magnets.