Date: 10/21/2017
By $MrKrabzWalking
I had ANOTHER end of the world type dream. We were in our church parking lot having a bonfire. And we were running football plays for some reason. When all of a sudden the head coaches bumper lights on fire. Nobody seems to notice but me. After I finish running plays I tell my mom. She says just put it out. The fire gets a lot bigger and the interior is now on fire. I start yelling the truck is going to explode so every one stands back. The truck just had a loud pop, and turned black the truck rolled down into the parking lot. I said “we should probably move that so people can park to go to church, oh wait nvrmind it’s the zombie apocalypse” Apparently everyone decided to evacuate at that point, while we were leaving my coach shot a zombie with a revolver and then all of them heard the sound and started chasing us and I said “wow this is basically the Walmart version of the walking dead”