Date: 4/10/2020
By Bito
I was in the washroom of the school my mom works at, my old elementary school. I remember leaving my books and maybe my coat in one of the stalls for safe keeping? I left the washroom and headed upstairs I found 2 guys fighting over this one girl. I recognized the girl, she's a celebrity in China and one of the guys was also in a show I watched ages ago. The three were a little older than me, maybe in their late 20s. I watched the two guys fight and tumble towards the stairs I don't remember getting involved so I went back downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs there was a door that opens to the main hall and as soon as I opened it, I was naked. There was a lady sitting on a chair looking down on her phone and I remember casually walking past her, neither of us phased. As soon I a turn the corner, I ran back to the washroom where I thought I can get my clothes back. The doors to the washroom were closed. Then I heard voices coming from the main hall where I was before. I peaked the corner and there was another lady delivering a huge some of "cereal candy" to the school's office. Then some kids showed up and I panicked I still had no clothes. I don't remember the rest. I remember walking into a house where there were a lot of huge fluffy puppies. They were all well behaved sitting on the couch equally spaced apart. There had to be at least a dozen of them. I pet a couple of them and they were some strong ass puppies.