
Date: 4/29/2018

By LdonnyH24

I had a dream that I was at my dad's house and for some reason the house had a second floor, Even though in real life there's only a first floor and a basement. I was in the bed room on the 2nd floor and I looked out of the bedroom window That was on the front side of the house facing the street. I looked down and all of a sudden I saw my rabbit Oliver running around in the street, I had no idea how he got there. I just stood there and watched him And at first I thought it was cute how much fun he was having frolicking around in the Street, but then cars started coming and I got really nervous because Oliver kept intentionally going underneath the cars as they were passing, I was afraid he would get smashed. Every time he would run under a car I Would start freaking out thinking that he got ran over. I wanted to run out there and grab him, but for some reason I was frozen in place. After several nerve wrecking minutes, I was finally able to move and i darted out of the room and headed outside to get Oliver, but then I woke up before I made it outside.