Date: 9/14/2017
By heyitsfrannie
So the dream started out with me, ma,grandma and Nicholas in the truck treading through flood waters. We made it through and there were two paths, good thing there were people there to guide us. One path said 417 ft and the other was dry. The guy told us that we didn't want to go 417 ft way because that lead to 417 ft of water. He laughed and said it was a joke and the sign was to scare people to not go that way. So we went down the dry path. I could have sworn when we were in the flood waters I saw in Alligator in the water, but I digress. Anyway we got the dry land got home. So then I took Nicholas to a Southern Miss football game and he loved it. All my friends were there and he really enjoyed it. The storm hit usm too, but not as bad. Since the campus floods, some of the parking lots had a little bit of water in them. Nothing to serious. Then Ma and I were in a nice house. It was a country style house with a screen door and everything. It was right up the beach from the Florida keys. So we started walking and we brought Duke with us. The sand wasn't its normal white, it was kinda yellow-ish. The water was pushed back pretty far because of the storm too. So there were a couple house down the road they were really nice. I could swear I saw them in another dream because even my mom kind of recognized them. So we walked a little farther until we saw a dog on a porch and decided to turn around. Duke decided to run past the dog and I started to call his name to let him know we're going home. He heard me and came running to us, but then turned back around. Ma said don't call him again because he knows we're leaving. So we get a decent distance from duke and something zoomed past us. We turned and looked and it turned and looked and we couldn't really tell what it was at first. Eventually we realized it was a HOG! Not a big hog, but a baby one. We stared running and the hog took off behind us. So I stared calling Duke again and again and again. Then here he comes running behind the hog. The hog all of a sudden grabs a rock, in its mouth, and throws it at us. It misses because it went to far up and I grabbed it and threw it back. It missed. But the throw did slow the hog down. It slowed it enough that Duke was able to catch it by the throat. My mom and stopped running and caught our breath. We turned around and walked over to Duke who had killed the hog and was rinsing the water out of his mouth. We told him congratulations and thank you. The water that he was using to clean his mouth wasn't very clean. So we had to make sure to get him some when we got home. As we were walking he went and grabbed the dead hog and buried in the yard. Then I woke up.