Legends Of Tomorrow: Waverider In London

Date: 5/14/2024

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

I was on holiday in London. I was walking through the city on my own, saying hello to people I knew who happened to be in London at the same time. I thought I saw Queen and said hello, then realised with embarrassment that it wasn't Sir Brian May and Roger Taylor that I said hi to, but some random strangers. I saw Arthur Darvill. He was dressed similar to his Doctor Who character Rory Williams, in his costume from Let's Kill Hitler. I approached him hoping for an autograph, and he seemed to be in a rush. I followed him, and he asked when I was returning home, thinking I was a London resident. I said I would be returning to the hotel that I was staying in at 6pm. He hurried across a field, and I spotted the Waverider parked on it. Suddenly I realized it wasn't Arthur Darvill I was following, but Rip Hunter from DC's Legends Of Tomorrow. I excitedly asked if I could come with him, and he initially said no. However, I wouldn't take that for an answer, and begged him to allow me to tag along. He eventually relented, but warned me that his adventures were dangerous. I said I knew the risks and I would be prepared to do whatever is needed to protect the timeline.