
Date: 12/21/2017

By SwaggyBoy9

This might be a long dream. It'll be worth writing down though, this was fun. I was at this really cool place, the sceneries was beautiful. There was a mountain in the distance and so much colour. The mountain was surrounded by colours from flowers, etc. I was with Marco and Dylan (Frere) for some reason. We were at this bridge, it was the coolest fucking place. The bridge was really high, it was like a whole platform in this area and it was really high in the sky. Dylan was recording me doing funny shit and I checked Snapchat and it was all over his story. I don't have any memory of Marco doing anything, he was with us though. Then me and Daniel were walking along and we saw this walkway to the mountain. Probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. We decided to not walk there because it was really fucking long. Me and Bruce decided to take some picture and man, if it wasn't the most gorgeous scenery I've ever took. West, and some other people posed for a photo as I took it. There were an assortment of friends there, coming and leaving at random times. That's all I remember of that, now the next scene of this story. Now, I don't know how I ended up here but I was with a few friends and there were some girls there. We were all dirty from mud and I apparently didn't have a shirt on. We were all laughing having a good time and I remember once we went down this path and were playing with a ball for a moment then got down and were lying on our stomachs in a circle. We were playing some game and we had to hold hands with the person opposite to us which were all girls. There were a few guys and they were next to me, maybe jack? It was at this point when I saw my chest and realised I didn't have a shirt on. So I grabbed hands with the girl facing me and she looked a bit like Rebecca. Before that there was this thicc asian girl who seemed to have the hots for me. Suddenly, we heard this weird sound. It sounded creepy and it was playing loud. I look around and I see everyone, hundreds of people running away from the place in fear and I do the same. I don't know why, but it had a demonic vibe to whatever it was. I realised I was somewhere near the back in terms of people running up the path back to safety but I wasn't actually scared, it was thrilling to run and I liked that. My friend was ahead of me and I saw him and saw a Halloween mask as he tried scaring me.. "Boo!" he yelled as he grabbed me. He started laughing it off but it honestly had no effect on me, I wasn't scared from it at all. Also, turns out that the creepy sound was from one of my videos playing guitar looped over and over at one specific point making it sound really demonic and fucked up. I have no clue why it was playing, and I saw a glimpse of the video too and I was holding the guitar in a classical manner. As we all got to the top, I was at this point with Lochlan and this lady police officer. We got to this dairy and Lochlan went inside it as we all followed. Turns out, Lochlans house was behind the dairy. He said something about this being the 'devil's dairy' or maybe the police officer did, but that was a good sign that we should not be in there. Everyone followed like sheep and were now inside the dairy but I turned around and went outside, that was the last I saw of those people. . I realised where I was, and decided I was gonna walk home. I felt a little unsafe, probably because of what happened earlier but I usually always walk around alone at this time of night. The police lady decided to drop me off home and Lochlan was tagging along. We were in this weird mall place for a second and the lady told Lochlan he can go home but Lochlan said he wanted to tag along, he had nothing else to do. She ended up taking us to this sick bay for some reason and left. So it was me, Lochlan.. and mykah? No clue how he was there. I remember him playing his own version of Jocelyn Flores on guitar and it actually sounded alright, he was using this McKee tapping technique which surprised me. I didn't know he was that good. I turned around from where I was sitting and saw an old workstation computers. I thought it'd be my old PC but it was an i5, and I saw another PC! This one looked like a gaming PC but a bit outdated. I then remembered my dad telling me he had a few old PC's laying around. Lochlan and Mykah started to play black ops 3, I looked and all I was hearing was bo3 lingo. Then apparently my brother had come to pick me up, and I was in this old dudes house. I then saw 2 guys I recognised, my dad's friends. 2 others guys I had no clue who they were. They started getting angry and thought the old guy abducted me or something and literally were about to fuck his shit up when I stopped them. Pretty sure all my friends and the other family members saw that. After that they were outside waiting in the car and I told em I had to go get my wallet and phone? On the way back down to that place which was a medical clinic but turned into a regular room, I tried to apologise for what those people did whom I barely know. On one side were my friends and the other side were all these other people who I noticed first so I apologised to them. They seemed to either ignore me or didn't notice. Either way, it wasn't that bad of a thing. This was a really fun dream.. wish I could have more like this instead of sexual dreams.