That's creepy.

Date: 10/20/2017

By AkaneSensei

I dreamt that, in a shopping, there was a man (bald, strong features, with a green shirt, looked like that really big robot in "What are Little Girls Made of?" Star Trek TOS episode) that had a cutting impulse. He would come up to you and ask to cut. He would normally cut a piece of paper or something, and would go away. Well, I had none of that, and when he called me I was in an escalator, so I got to the next floor and ran to a police officer. When he came he tried to escape and that officer was too slow so I dashed and got him by grabbing the pocket on his shirt. He quickly got a scissor AND CUT MY FINGERS OFF. I obviously screamed and let go, and when I looked to that fucking officer he was crying in fear. And then that guy killed me.