The Authoritarian Academy 🔫

Date: 3/12/2019

By cnovas

I had this dream where I was in a program at some sort of academy boarding school type building and they were doing a week-long simulation of what it's like to live under an authoritarian/dictator government. Everyone was given different roles and agendas and you couldn't be sure which of the "characters" you could trust or not. Every day the "community" would go into the large auditorium and they would give us lessons that were designed to distill fear into us. I remember one of the "leaders" talking about how we're running out of resources and how our metals are going corrode before we know it and that our infrastructure is going to fall apart in the future of our simulated society. Me, being the rebellious asshole that I am, said something along the lines of "well at least we can have something to look forward to!". The girl sitting right next to me, found this funny and began to goof off and act rebellious as well, only she took it some steps further by getting out of her seat and banging on the tables and acting crazy. This obviously is not acceptable behavior in a simulated authoritarian society, and one of the leaders steps in an goes "We'll show you what happens when people disobey our orders!" While raising a gun at her, that was supposed to fake/empty. He shoots her right next me, only it turned out to be a real gun with a bullet inside and she dies instantly, with some of her blood landing on me. The other people in the room start screaming and running around and before I even have time to react I instantly start booking it out of the auditorium, get to the elevator and go up to my dorm room to hide my weed (LOL). I could hear the sound of sirens towards the end of my dream and I think that's because I had my window open with a fan in it, so I may have heard an actual emergency vehicle going by inside of my dream.