weird city world😰😰

Date: 7/14/2019

By kkthedreamer

i dreamt that there was this weird world i was living in wear you had a certain amount of lives and if you tried to escape the world you would be killed for good, and once you’re killed for good there’s no afterlife. just darkness. so as i was living in this world, i was starting to go insane and i was on my last life so i knew i had to be careful. but basically you were forced to go back to your “house” at a certain time, and all the “houses” were all white, weirdly shaped dome things that were elevated on super tall poles, and they were all crowded together like some bizarre sky city. and the sky was always an unsettling shade of purple. i don’t remember all the details, but i think i lived with other people because i remember them being in my house. so i went back to my house one day, and there was an assembly that night, which was apparently something that happened monthly. so all of us filed into this huge building, and there were guards standing in every corner. i don’t remember much except that at some point this assembly thing ruptured into chaos and people started going crazy. some random girl grabbed my hand and said “COME ON LET’S GO!” and we pushed through the crowd into a sort of hidden hallway. as we sprinted through a maze of white hallways, i realized that she wanted to escape just as much as i did. but i was terrified because i knew how strict the officials were there and they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me in a split second. so we kept running until we heard a guard yelling “HEY!” and it sounded like he was very close behind us. unfortunately i woke up soon after that but the dream felt so fricken real and i was so relieved that i was still alive when i woke up lmao