Date: 9/20/2020
By ladydmj
I was at the family farm, looking at some old pictures. There was thunder & rumbling.. I had a feeling if something ominous. I looked outside, down the valley. There was a Dam there - it’s not there in real life, but i watched it expectantly & water began pouring over the top. Everyone looked in amazement, but didn’t panic, as it was so far below, but I knew the water would rise right up to us! I told them all to go inside & get some supplies. There were a few inflatables there so we got them, some blankets & other bits & went to the top of the house. Then the water reached the house & I realised we needed to get out. We started to run to the top of the hill, with the water level slowly seeping up behind us. We came to the top of some cliffs & there were wild fires raging across them. So we were stuck between rising water & fire. We began to pour water over the vegetation on our cliff & stop the fire reaching us. Strangely, the water level was far below the cliff on that side.. the next thing I know, we are in some weird town. It’s full of high rise buildings, stacked on top of one another & we seem to have skipped a little in to the future. Someone said something like ‘welcome to the new Venice, untouched by the great flood’ we were walking down the street & trying to keep together & climb up on to a roof top. I don’t think all the family were there. I also suddenly felt incredibly sad that we had left the cat & other animals in at the farm.. I climbed up some stairs & said ‘oh my god, this is the house’ it was stacked on top of a load of other houses. Then it toppled over with me & C in it & I grabbed on to balconies to break my fall. At the bottom, c called out from inside the building, he looked happy & healthy. I continued walking.. don’t remember anything else.