parkour, creepy dude in my room, performances on stage, omg and i just remembered more

Date: 3/13/2022

By ooflla

yoomi woke me up and was all excited and social and she was back and it was confusing but yeah (was someone actually calling my name irl bc wtf) and then she was talking about how she wanted a baby and was gonna ask a doctor about it. then we went to this event that was happening for students and it was a race/parkour thing. i left and realized i only had my pajamas on and bare feet so that was probably gonna be an issue at some point. i saw samantha on the way (from 6th grade but in the dream i remembered her from freshmen orientation). she started singing a song and i sang a little bit a long. then we got there and we were supposed to climb these stairs spread apart along the wall in a tall staircase. i started doing it but my pants kept falling down and i realized i wasn’t wearing anything under my pj shirt. i went back down and took my shirt off for some reason then was trying to put it back on and kept getting confused at which way it went and all these parents were staring at me the whole time. then i got it and went back to my apartment/dorm and this man was there who i think was a friend of my parents supposedly. or at least he said he was. he started blackmailing me but i’m not sure what he wanted me to do. probably something bad though and i can kinda guess what. anyways he showed me these photos he had of me somehow and well they were bad. i took his phone and deleted all the ones i could find while he kept blabbing. i even checked the recently deleted and deleted them from there, although it was an android so lol idk if they even have that but it looked different. then i was trying to change for the thing bc he wouldn’t let me leave so i was like aight i’ll just change behind this bed here and i was but then he came around and took a picture. i started trying to stab him with a knife he gave me but he turned invisible so i kept trying to jab him and couldn’t. (when i woke up i was mad i didn’t just smash his phone to pieces from the start.) somehow i ended up changing and getting out of there at some point ig bc i eventually was at this performance backstage and me and katie were doing idek a dance or singing or skit or something and then afterwards we had to mop up backstage. although there was just a glass window in front so everyone could see us mopping. also she got a swiffer and i got a knock off shitty version. then i heard someone playing piano and i was like hehe couldn’t be me but then they finished and i was like wait shit i think i am supposed to do that…so i woke up instead. i didn’t wanna wake up either bc that means doing my assignments so my dream really made me choose. it said i was not safe there anymore (nvm the dude in my room apparently. that wasn’t anxiety that was rage ig) wait idk when this was but i was giving someone bangs but i think i was me and i was someone else giving them to me. and they looked really good besides the front being a little long (i didn’t cut anything yet somehow they were just like that like i just found shorter hairs idk). then also at some point i was with this mom and i think i was babysitting her kids and then she got out of the car to go inside some house but it was my neighbors house. i saw the toddler get out and follow her then stray away so i followed the toddler. then we went back to my house and the toddler played with 2 other toddler that were at my house for some reason although he didn’t get along with 1 of them and they kept wanting to throw hands so i had to hold them apart.