Wandering Through An Old Steel Factory That's Getting Rebuilt & Housesitting A House with Another Huge Factory Attached

Date: 8/18/2018

By fluffytree

Forgot to post this one, but I had a dream where I was wandering around an airport after having arrived back home from somewhere and began aimlessly walking. I managed to go through a big dark bathroom and then a storage room of sorts full of those empty bins you put your shoes and other items in before you walk through the scanner or metal detector. Beyond this stood another door up ahead, but it was covered partially in debris and cement as if it hadn't been open in ages. Also there was a ton of the same material on the ground along with silvery blocks of metal standing in my way. I needed to get through that door though. I dunno why I felt like this, but it was a strong sensation. I started suddenly remembering stuff that my mind was just making up, like how there was an old steel factory on the other side and how they recently opened it back up. I figured since I'm short on money maybe I can find a job here. Anyway, somehow I manage to get past all the debris and pried open the big heavy door to get to the other side and what I found was a massive steelworks facility just like I was remembering. Kinda reminds me how doors in older video games would take forever to open because the next area was still loading game data. I wonder if the same applied here lol, only my brain was still creating the rest of the dream world. I grabbed a chunk of the silvery metal and took it with me for some reason and then happened to briefly interrupt a tour of people walking by who must've definitely been surprised to see some random guy come through an ancient partially sealed up door. I hoped I wasn't gonna get in trouble and looked at the woman leading the group for assurance. She was a middle-aged white woman with blonde hair, glasses, a hard hat, and wore a women's business suit with a matching skirt along with heels. She had a clipboard in her hand as well and spoke with an English accent. I assumed she was probably the property manager or something like that showing the facility to new employees who would be working to fix it back up. This was great for me though since I was just thinking how I needed work. So I joined the group no problem and followed the tour. I could see about 60ft below, crews of construction workers welding metal and doing other labor to repair the old infrastructure of the building. Before long an older white man with silver hair and a suit came to join the woman guiding us and spoke to her about the repairs. I could just tell from his manner of speaking and making demands that he was the one actually in charge of all this. He probably owned the entire property if not at least most of it. We needed to get down to the ground but the dream just cut forward a bit to where we were suddenly there. We had to cross over an area that I guess was rather muddy via metal platforms made of steel and nickel, but when I began crossing the platforms began to immediately sink. Surely I wasn't THAT heavy to cause this but I ran across just as it completely sank into the ground but when I threw the metal chunk in my hand down from earlier to make myself lighter, the platforms suddenly began rising back to the way they were. Puzzled, the woman looked at the chunk and went to examine it. She asked where I found it and I told her. Then she deduced that it was Palladium, a new type of metal that she said she was the inventor of and mentioned how it has strange reactions when exposed to other metals, one of them being that it becomes much denser and sometimes hotter too. What's odd is that irl, Palladium is actually a rare silvery white metal but I swear I've never heard of it before. I guess I have and it just got stored in the back of my mind. And of course it doesn't have such bizarre properties as shown in the dream. Anyhow, I can't remember much else that happened at this point, but the dream did transition to something else. In this next one I was at someone's big house having arrived by bus to watch their property while they were away for the night. It seemed pretty easy except the place was big and creepy. Also what I didn't know was that the garage in the back led into a huge warehouse of some kind. One moment I was in a house and once I crossed the garage I was in a factory of some sort. I could tell it hadn't been in use in some time and alot of the machinery had this hardened foamy type material all over it. It was hanging from the ceiling too. Must've been water that mixed with the chemicals in here and made this stuff. It looked cool though. There were some huge weird looking machines I had no idea what they did. All I know is outta nowhere one of them started up and scared the crap out of me. The dream began getting chaotic and I ended up outside in the middle of the city looking on as several police cars surrounded the area and were arresting some small man in a white protective suit, like the ones people wear when entering a radioactive area. I wonder if he was the one who started up the giant machine? I dunno cos I woke up at this point.