Date: 5/11/2020
By ivielee
Why the fuck did i just have a dream that my elementary school/middle school class/some scecific people idk were all together on this field trip type thing and met halsey and we hung out with her and I got to talk to her and she gave us heroine before our performance? It was like a presentation in front of the whole class. I remember the group that went before us looked insane and I said to leia (old PCY friend) and sarah or Victoria that it looked like they were rolling? My parents were somehow in the crowd and when my teacher or the principal idk whoever the authority figure was in my dream was a woman kinda like the principal in the Lizzie McGuire movie. She called on dad and he started critiquing us before we started and saying I should do this instead and I remember being embarrassed and telling him like no dad that’s not really how the presentation works. And then billie eilish’s brother was in the back row w the other guys and raised his hand. And that’s when I noticed they were tripping. His eyes were HUGE or his pupils I guess and he was tearing up and started saying something touching about what dad said or our relationship. Then it was our turn and halsey took out a syringe and I was like HUH omg no stop before she grabbed my arm and tried injecting me and I was like okay wait what is it first and she said heroine and idk why but in my dream I was thinking about it bc I’m three year sober in real life. Then I was like okay am i really gonna turn down HEROINE from halsey lmaooo? I feel like I’m gonna trip out possibly and be a public embarrassment but the group before us was clearly rolling so fuck it right? And so she injected me a LITTLE before I pulled my hand away and I felt it immediately and omg I was legit tripping out in my dream and it felt so good? And I remember being self conscious of my stomach in my dress during the dream. And we performed and I was just copying everyone else and I felt myself like giggling during the whole thing. Once we ended I remember seeing faces like wtf are they on? And I overheard a few people be like ???? And the main teacher/principal was like yeahhh this is never happening again. We went backstage with halsey into like a dressing room kind of with couches everywhere and I remember grabbing multiple people in my group like omg did u take it too??? And they were like yes and we were all laughing and hanging off each other talking about weird things that happened while we were performing. And I remember this one random guy who comforted me just by talking while some people in the group were kinda making fun of me or something? Idk but he defended me and I almost cried and I placed my hand on his shoulder and I felt like I was in love with him like genuine love idk it was so strange. He was this random asian kid idk if he went to my old school and if I subconsciously liked him or something? But he was so nice in my dream. Then the rest is kind of a blur now but I remember coming down and my brother calling me and trying to act normal and he was really concerned and I was just tripping still with my old elementary and middle school friends talking about random shit?? Like how an apple reminded us of twilight as we drove by?? Idk. Or how someone from our group had to pitch another project idea to the principal and whole class and gave a touching speech about hamsters bc we were tripping still. Then more stuff happened that I’ll try to remember. Then we were back w the rest of the group and I woke up and they were all having an orgy?? Idk omg I also remember now that I went home w leia bc we were obviously so fucked up. (And leia was also turning into ashley from best dressed on YouTube randomly and she was giving me advice slash hitting on me I think???). I was like ok we should go to my place instead of lingering around here tripping. Then I walked in on mom and dad kinda being sexual lmao ew and told them leia was there and that she was sleeping over and they said okay. And then we were back w the class and tripping still and they were having an orgy? And I woke up and it was the students and teacher and parents like giving each other head and they all laughed when I was like WTF LMAO and then I forget the rest but what the actual fuck??? I haven’t had a wild ass dream like that in so long and idek what it means. I didn’t even take melatonin last night but I was thinking of it. Damn. If anyone read this then hi and wasn’t that weird as FUCK. Lmao. Heroine w I can’t believe I remember all this shit. Lol well back to trying to sleep and getting back to my dream Also I woke up very hot and barely sweaty idk if that means anything too. It’s been a while for me to Dream like this