Time traveling

Date: 2/14/2022

By Bito

I was back in school. The year in my dream was between 2014-2016. I knew I wasn't in the right place so naturally I thought "oh I traveled back in time" (you know, like a regular person). I remember seeing one of my old teachers and telling him that I'm from the future. I wanted to prove it by telling him where he was going to move in the coming year or so. Obviously it didn't prove anything to him at that moment. He just tells me to go to class. I asked him what class and he gives me directions. I never had that class before. That class didn't even exist. I nodded and made my way there. I didn't remember much else that happened right after that but I got lost and ended up one of my other schools. I remember being told I had been missing for a while and that there was a lot of catching up to do. Outside, there was an actual baseball game going on. No one played baseball back then.