Total drama island except irl

Date: 6/21/2019

By skunksauce

ok I was in a giant game of like total drama island but it was real and worse and basically we all had to search for these little flotation devices and if we didn't find one we got our heads ripped apart by a saw, because we were in this little square of water and we were each in our own lanes, right and I found one and we all found one so nobody died which was cool but after that I just kept looking for supplies and more floaties and stuff and there was this massive tarp covering like half the island or not half just a massive portion and I look under it and entire bear, like, sitting there like a person and some feet away theres..a cat, that I thought was a baby rhino at first so I call the cat over nd I scoop her up and I run and pick some food up for her....except I'm in my school again? and im getting supplies and then our class PRESIDENT, Bianca is there abd she tells me shes involved in the "suicide faction" and asks if I want to join and she goes on this whole rant about how "our precious lives have no meaning we can save the game if we do it ourselves" and and then my old teacher (Mig, english) is asking me about how I'm doing in "the Game" and so is Mr.Terray? and in like. ok I go back to the game area and the host is like "that cat might disqualify you" and I was like "it's fine i just sorta wanna take her home anyway"