All humans should be killed

Date: 12/22/2017

By ispeakofdreams

More than half the people in the world were a part of this group that believed all humans should be killed asap. They even wanted to kill themselves after; they just didn't want humans to exist anymore. I was part of the minority group that didn't want to die. We were constantly on the run and we had to kill a lot of the evil people to protect ourselves. At one point I was hiding out in the woods with a group of my friends, although I don't think any of them are people I know in real life. One of them was Tamra from The Mindy Project lol. And another one was a guy named Caleb. Anyways, we came across this abandoned house in the woods and decided to go inside and see what we could find. There were so many dead bodies in the house it was awful. And there was actually a man still living there and he was on the evil side. I made an agreement with him that if we helped him carry out all the bodies then he would let us go free. Just as 2 friends started to pick up a body though, he turned on me. Luckily I had a knife and managed to keep him off. We knew we had to get out of there but when we ran outside there were at least 5 police cars and a bunch of the evil people that wanted to kill us.I know that Caleb was killed in the house, and I think someone else was while trying to save him. I took off with some other friends and jumped out the top window of the house. I remember there was a rock below the window but the jump gave me so much momentum that I landed right in the lake that was at least 10 feet away. Me and a bunch of other friends began swimming to the farther shore. They were shooting at us in the water. One guy jumped in the lake and caught up to me. He had his arms around my throat and was holding me under. For some reason I could still breathe. I got my knife and sliced up his arms and he released me. I reached the other shore but none of my friends did. They either died or had swam back to the other shore, I'm not sure. This one girl was still after me, she was almost across the lake. I took off into the woods but there were no paths and there were so many bushes and logs and rocks that it was hard to move fast. I did manage to lose her though. I ended up at a huge mansion that was full of people, both the good ones and the evil. The evil people were brutally killing people left and right. I think I had an axe or sword and was slashing people's necks to protect myself. I was in the huge room in the basement and there were just evil people pouring in everywhere and the good people were panicking and screaming and had nowhere to go. The screaming was awful. Some people weren't even fighting anymore and just letting themselves be killed. This one woman who was also a horse? asked to be sedated before they killed her and they did what she asked. I remember holding her body while she died and then turned into a horse it was so weird. I found my way into this separate room that was just a giant stair case. Here we were safe from the evil people, but there was no escape so we could either stay in there and starve to death, or go out there and be killed quickly. I'm not sure what happened but I got out of the mansion somehow. I remember running down the dirt driveway and ducking under some trees as they shot at me. Someone drove by in a car and I jumped in. I woke up in some sort of hospital. My friend Caleb was there, and he was alive but barely. He was hooked up to an IV and a bunch of other machines and we both knew he wouldn't be able to run away in his condition. I was also in a hospital bed and I remember ripping the IV out of my arm and jumping out of the bed. There were evil people running this place and they were planning on killing us. Caleb told me to go before they came back in. I knew he was right but I didn't want to leave him like that. It was so sad. We were both sobbing. He was so brave. I escaped out the window just as they were coming back in. They killed Caleb and I heard him screaming as I ran away. Now I don't remember much more about this dream, but I have this feeling that I had to decide whether it was worth it to continue living in a world where so many people wanted to kill me. I remember thinking: Wouldn't it be easier if I just let them kill me quickly? Why was I even fighting at this point? But I know that I kept fighting and trying to save as many people as I could. These evil people believed that humans didn't deserve the planet. And maybe they're right. Why did I have this dream? It was so horrific and terrifying and vivid.