High school rain and secret Santa

Date: 12/13/2018

By sarah_barnes18

So it was some sorta water event w my class (can’t quite put my finger on what it was) but we walked back into the clsssroom and there was rain coming in on the window and the side wall so everyone’s desk was scooted over to the opposite wall. I was the only smart student who brought a towel. We had like 15 mins left in the day so our professor left but told us to take a specific path out of the stairs. When we got to the bottom, we ended in a locker bay and there were gifts w our names on them. Each had our favorite candy as well as an alcohol. Mine had a variety of candy and a Rosé. I needed to drop stuff off at my car so I could carry everything I had just acquired so I went to my car which ended up being the Jeep. As I walked up, I saw a shadow inside and kinda panicked until I saw it was a little boy. He immediately said I was taking him home and he told me his name but I didn’t recognize it. I asked if he lived in Cary park and he said yes, then asked if he lived on Walford and he said yes. Then he told me he was my new neighbor (who have a daughter but who knows what my dream mind was doing). So in the Jeep, I drove him to the other side of the school so it was easier to get my stuff to the car but the steering wheel was like a bike handlebar and was very high up so it was hard to control. Eventually, after squeezing through the parking lot, I found the closest spot to the room we were in. I left my stuff there and grabbed a reusable bag. I went inside and grabbed my goodie bag, however another bottle of alcohol sticking out of someone else’s bag caught my eye. It had a glass pigs head on top. I was curious to I checked it out. I contemplated switching my Rosé w this pig themed drink but in the end, since I was alone, I decided to steal it. I turned around and my teacher, now a male, was there and I got scared but I was able to leave without him getting mad! I got back to my car and saw someone from my class this semester (Lauren B) and stated to worry but she was distracted by my new keyfob for the Jeep so I was able to get away without her noticing I stole anything. Then I woke up!