Horror liminal space

Date: 10/23/2023

By Juliaaramini

I was visiting a friend in Seattle and we were attending a child’s birthday party. The neighborhood looked old and everything was covered in moss and vines. It was an overcast misty day. I arrived at the house and the parking situation was out of control. I couldn’t find my friend so I briefly left my car double parked just to find them for some reason. I found them, and when I looked outside my car was being towed. It wasn’t a normal tow truck towing me, just someone with a truck with the ability to tow. We figured maybe they were just moving it to a real parking spot. We tried to leave the party as fast as we could to chase the truck but it was super crowded, it was long gone by the time we got outside. We decided to walk around the neighborhood to look for my car. As we were walking, a sweet looking old man stopped his car and asked if we wanted a ride. Normally we’d say no but we were tired, he looked trustworthy, and we’d seen him at the child’s birthday party. He said he just needed to run home really quick to take some medication. We were like oh god yes please don’t die on us. He parked his car in his garage and then went inside. The garage was bright fluorescent white, with bright overhead lights and white walls. We waited for an extremely long time, and I started to get nervous he’d fallen or something. I decided to go inside to look for him. Inside it was slightly foggy, there were a ton of twisting hallways, and it was a lot darker inside, like the next room had a light on that was lighting up the current one, but there weren’t any lights. I tried to see, but something happened to my vision where it went blurry like I needed to wear glasses. It was very disorienting, and I knew something was wrong. I finally turned a corner and down a hallway in another room I saw an open door that had a bright white light. A figure peaked out of the room and quickly hid again. I ran back out to the garage and told my friend we were leaving. That’s when a taller, lankier version of the old man burst through the door and tackled me. I tried to fight him off, but it was my friend who ended up strangling him. After that, we tried to leave but the garage door wouldn’t open. So we had to go back inside the house to try to find the front door. I still couldn’t see when I was inside, but somehow my friend could so she was leading me. When we got back to where I was in the same hallway, something chilling happened. The old man was standing there, shivering and shaking. I screamed and then woke up.

AI generated interpretation The analysis of your dream suggests that it may reflect feelings of being trapped in an unsettling and unpredictable situation. The horror elements and liminal space symbolize a state of transition or uncertainty. Visiting a friend in Seattle and attending a child's birthday party may represent a desire for connection and familiarity. The neighborhood being old, covered in moss and vines, and the overcast misty day create an atmosphere of decay and gloom, potentially indicating feelings of unease or a sense that something is not right. The parking situation reflects a lack of control and the fear of losing something important. Leaving your car double parked may symbolize a tendency to prioritize immediate needs or distractions over long-term consequences. The towed car and the inability to chase after it highlight a sense of loss or the difficulty of reversing unfavorable circumstances. The encounter with the sweet-looking old man represents a willingness to trust in the midst of uncertainty. The request to take medication suggests a need for healing or taking care of oneself. However, the waiting period in the bright, foggy, and labyrinthine garage signifies a growing sense of unease and disorientation. The blurry vision and the need for glasses metaphorically capture the struggle to see clearly or understand the situation, leading to a feeling of vulnerability. The sighting of a figure in the bright white room indicates the presence of something hidden or mysterious. This triggers a retreat from the situation and a combination of fear and self-defense. The struggle with the taller, lankier version of the old man and your friend strangling him may symbolize a confrontation with uncomfortable or threatening aspects of yourself or your surroundings. The inability to open the garage door represents difficulty in escaping the current situation. Returning inside the house and relying on your friend's vision symbolizes seeking guidance or support from others during challenging times. However, the reappearance of the old man, trembling and shivering, suggests unresolved fears or unresolved issues that continue to haunt you. Overall, this dream seems to convey feelings of uncertainty, vulnerability, and the need to confront and alleviate hidden fears or unresolved issues. It may reflect a desire for control, clarity, and a sense of safety in ambiguous or unsettling situations.